Saturday, December 29, 2012


This is the 8th year of the DB Tarlac Batch 1989’s annual reunion and Eucharistic celebration held every December. After more than 2 decades since graduating from high school and attending mass at least once during weekdays from grade 4 to 4th year HS, the grown up boys decided that it was just fitting to start the annual reunion with a mass celebrated by our batchmate Father Ruben Espinosa. Father Ruben is one of the parochial vicars of San Sebastian Cathedral (Tarlac Cathedral). Our batchmate and Salesian priest Father Joel Camaya who started this idea is currently out of the country.

A total of 24 batchmates attended the gathering last December 29, 2012 and they are:
1- Gatbonton, D., 2- Yalung, A., 3- Navarro, O., 4- Basco, R., 5- Lacsamana, D., 6- Balagtas, S.,
7- Villegas, E., 8- Salonga, E., 9- Gozum, T., 10- Tabamo, M., 11- Sanchez, D., 12- Garcia, B.,
13- Tayag, K., 14- Zablan, A., 15- De La Cruz, J., 16- Bustamante, D., 17- Espinosa, R.,
18- Arguelles, C., 19- Alfonso, A., 20- Tolentino, S., 21- Rona, N., 22- Bala, J., 23- Paras, R.
24- Capinpin, A.

During the Homily, the insightful and comical Father Ruben’s key message was on PRESENTATION which came from the 4th Joyful Mystery. Related to this, he mentioned that Batch President R.M. Basco approached him, consulted him and said he is losing interest (because of the lack of support of some batchmates). Here are some highlights of his 5 minute Homily:

Marriage Classifications:
1. Male handsome and female pretty = marriage made in heaven
2. Male not so handsome female pretty = true love
3. Male handsome and female not so pretty = shotgun wedding
4. Male not so handsome female not so pretty = kapwa ko mahal ko
  • Look at the batch’s strength (capitalize on them) and do not focus much on the weakness.
  • Man proposes, God disposes. Present everything to God and He will do the rest.
  • The success of the homecoming is not only on financial matters but more important is the brotherhood gained through the homecoming not only from our batch but from all the children of St. John Bosco.
 Here's the video of the Homily

 Batch President R.M. Basco asked for a few minutes and discussed the ffg:
 1. State of Batch Funds
 2. Upcoming Projects
 3. Grand Alumni Homecoming Theme and Concept
 4. Arranging of Committees
 5. Important Dates